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At Neo Care, our anaesthesiologists and nurse-anaesthetists work closely with surgeons, obstetricians and other doctors to provide general, total intravenous and regional anaesthesia for surgeries, childbirth and other medical procedures for people of all ages, children through seniors.

There are three types of anaesthesia: local, regional and general anaesthesia. You, your doctor and the anaesthesiologist will discuss and select the best approach for the surgery or procedure you need, based on a variety of factors including your age and medical status. Prior to the procedure, you’ll be asked to sign an informed consent form that briefly describes various types of anaesthetics and their possible complications.

The hospital provides services for:

  1. Anaesthesia during childbirth
  2. Paediatric Anaesthesia
  3. Anaesthesia for neonatal, pediatric, adult surgeries
  4. Ambulatory Anaesthesia
  5. Critical Care Anaesthesia